Manly Sea Eagles

At the centre of this circle is a map of the Manly/Warringah/Pittwater district. Leading into God’s Country, are 17 lines, one for each of the 17 players who play rugby league every week for the mighty Sea Eagles. The lines represent the journeys of the many Aboriginal players both past and present who have represented the Manly club who have a proud history of supporting Indigenous players.
At the end of these lines are the players themselves, it is their grass roots land, where their personal journeys to become one of Manly’s great Indigenous players begins. They are standouts in their communities, and they’re surrounded by their family, friends, adoring fans and peers.
The footprints represents that, although they are from different areas, tribes, and backgrounds, they are all connected….they are all Brothers, that are forever bonded by their blood and by their connection to the Manly Sea Eagles.
The flashes of white represent their community getting behind them and supporting their dreams of becoming great leaders. They stand along the banks of the rivers to watch them, always supporting them in their quest for greatness. The large white area running to God’s Country are the legions of fans, flocking to Brookvale Oval, many of whom have been there since day 1, watching their progress, and now coming to see them on the biggest stage of all, playing for the Mighty Manly Sea Eagles.